Hot drama "promising" with the scene here...

TV series "promising" is CCTV-8 hit! The financial workplace drama in Haikou a number of landmark buildings and popular attractions. The "login hall" and "international conference hall" of Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center are also presented as high-end conference scenes.





The model is more favorable, and you can also win the grand prize! 2024 Poster Group's Golden Autumn Auto Show Set for September

Start with the car, not just the car! 2024 Poster Group's Golden Autumn Auto Show will open a one-stop experience of car appreciation, car purchase and trendy play at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center from September 5 to September 8.





[Empowerment Promotion] Keep Learning-Dongfang Global Hainan Company Launched Special English Training

With the rapid development of Hainan Free Trade Port, in order to further strengthen the construction of the company's talent team, improve the team's oral English expression ability, and empower the company's business development, on the morning of August 29, Oriental Global Hainan Company organized a special training on "Convention and Exhibition English". This training invited teacher Wei Zhen from the School of Tourism of Hainan University as a lecturer and opened an off-campus English class!





Dongfang Global Hainan Company Trade Union "Talent Carnival," Art "from the Future" 2024 Talent PK Competition Successfully Held

Swing vitality youth, shining unique charm. On August 23, the "Talent Carnival ·" Art "from the Future" 2024 Talent PK Competition organized by the Trade Union of Oriental Global Hainan Company was held in the Star Hall of the Wedding Art Center of Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center. All employees of Oriental Global Hainan Company participated in this activity.





"Autographed" Richard Clayderman Poster Album Photo

Richard Clayderman December 14, 2024 Haikou Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center Oriental Global Theater





Use Guide | Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center Smart Venue applet

Welcome to the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center wisdom venue small procedures for the use of tutorials. Whether you are in contact for the first time or want to learn more about our small program, this guide will be your indispensable partner. Let's start a wonderful journey of using small programs easily.





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