Hot drama "promising" with the scene here...

TV series "promising" is CCTV-8 hit! The financial workplace drama in Haikou a number of landmark buildings and popular attractions. The "login hall" and "international conference hall" of Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center are also presented as high-end conference scenes.





The model is more favorable, and you can also win the grand prize! 2024 Poster Group's Golden Autumn Auto Show Set for September

Start with the car, not just the car! 2024 Poster Group's Golden Autumn Auto Show will open a one-stop experience of car appreciation, car purchase and trendy play at Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center from September 5 to September 8.





"Autographed" Richard Clayderman Poster Album Photo

Richard Clayderman December 14, 2024 Haikou Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center Oriental Global Theater





Treasure Repertoire Shocks Expo, Day Show, Night Play!

The only musical named "Su Dongpo" in China-"Su Dongpo" will be staged at the Oriental Global Theater of Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center from 20:00 to 21:50 on April 12-14! March 18, 10:58 official invoice!





Presenting the Consumption Scene of "Yacht Outdoor Life Tourism" The 4th Consumer Expo will set up sub-exhibition areas to hold yacht exhibitions.

The 4th China International Consumer Goods Expo will be held in Hainan from April 13 to April 18, 2024. The conference will set up a branch venue at the public wharf of the National Sailing Base in Haikou City to hold the 4th China International Consumer Goods Expo Yacht Show and the 2024 China (Haikou) International Sailing Yacht Show (hereinafter referred to as the "4th Consumer Expo Yacht Show"). Haikou Tourism Culture Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Haikou Tourism Group) is hosted in accordance with the requirements of "marketization and internationalization.





Heavyweight! In-depth development of global professional buyers! The 7th World Petroleum Exhibition comes into Hainan!

By the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Petroleum Industry Chamber of Commerce, the Hainan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Hainan Provincial Petroleum, Natural Gas and Chemical Industry Federation, the CCTC Oil Union Group, Hainan Hongfan Exhibition Services Co., Ltd. jointly hosted by the 7th World Oil and Gas Equipment Expo (WOGE) will be held on November 8-10, 2022 in the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center as scheduled





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